Friday, October 5, 2012

Little Cabin in the Woods - Part II

Friends, I'm back!

I know I've promised you grand posts about my new apartment and my new classroom, and they're coming! Just not today.  Today is all about the Little Cabin.

Last weekend, I finally made it up to Mountain Man's territory.  He desperately wanted to work on the cabin, and even though that wasn't what I had in mind for the weekend, I made a promise to him to help, and help I did!

Before we get into the picture part of this post, Mountain Man asked that I include some sort of disclaimer about the state of the inside of the cabin.  He's a little embarrassed, but seeing as it's not his fault, I don't think he has any reason to be.  DISCLAIMER: WHAT YOU WILL SEE BELOW IS THE DIRECT RESULT OF WILD CRITTERS, VANDALS, AND A RESTORATION/REMODEL IN PROGRESS AND SHOULD NOT BE CONSIDERED INDICATIVE OF MOUNTAIN MAN'S PREFERRED LIVING CONDITIONS.

Now, ya'll settle in, because I've got lots to tell.