Tuesday, August 28, 2012

On Being a Single Lady

My friends, please allow me a moment to revel in the joy that comes from living by yourself.  It's just me, Tucker, and the dust mites around here, and it has been a glorious few weeks.  But I'm a realist, and I know there will come a day when I will think, "WHY DID I THINK IT WAS A GOOD IDEA TO LIVE BY MYSELF?! I'M SO LONELY AND BORED!"  So in the almost inevitable event that occurs, here is a list of things I enjoy about living alone to remind me when I'm in tears because the dog didn't appreciate the exquisite boeuf bourguignon I made.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Getting Settled

I haven't posted in awhile, and I wanted to take a minute to give everyone a quick update on what's been going on.

Last week, my family and all my available muscular-male-types helped me move from Birmingham to Tuscaloosa.  It was a whirlwind of a week.  I worked at Bed Bath & Beyond (where I've worked part-time for about 3 years) all day Monday and Tuesday, and I tried to pack as much stuff as possible out of the room I'd rented from a coworker all summer.  Mountain Man came down Tuesday evening and we crammed everything except a few pieces of furniture into my car and his.  You should have seen his face when I told him I wanted to put all the clothes from my closet into his little Mitsubishi Eclipse.  I am ALL girl when it comes to the amount of clothes and shoes I own.

Without overwhelming you with too much detail, let me tell you just how busy the rest of the week was.