Monday, April 7, 2014

March - Year of Resolutions

I didn't get my house cleaned yet. Surprised?

I did create a cleaning schedule for myself, and I'd like to share it with you.  I'm not going to tell you how to make one yourself, because you can find many other blog posts about it by searching Pinterest or Google. I just included things I already do or would like to do and then consulted my Home Maintenance materials from class to see if there was anything I missed (we're actually right in the middle of our Housing unit!).

Little Cabin - Part III

*I started this post maybe 6 months ago and am posting it as-is.

The Little Cabin is not so little anymore!

But you wouldn't know it, would you? How could you when I haven't posted about it in OVER A YEAR?

Oh my gosh, has it really been so long? I cannot believe I have left it hanging so long.  So much has happened, and though we've captured somewhat inadequate photographic evidence, I will let the pictures do the talking for the rest of this update.

Little Cabin - Part IV+

The Little Cabin has come an awful long way since I last wrote about it. In fact, we just closed our construction loan and set up our mortgage today! There is still quite a bit of work that needs to be done, but we've been allowed to close which has taken a lot of pressure off Mountain Man and makes both of us happier.